18-24", Small fruit bearing tree (30-50 ft). In summer, this species produces fragrant flowers. Fruit: pale orange color, often red-cheeked; turning yellowish brown after freeze.
4-6' bareroot, coldhardy variety that survives when others succumb to frost and cold temperatures. Ripens 24 days after Redhaven, bears large, sweet fruit. Self-fruitful, freestone.
2.2# Plantskydd Concentrate - For year round control of deer, rabbits, hares, voles, squirrels, and chipmunks. Mixes with 10 quarts (spray bottles), treats 800-900 seedlings.
Repels rabbits, voles, hares, chipmunks, squirrels, and other small herbivores. Can prevent deer damage on plants under 2' and as a perimeter treatment.
4-6' bareroot, known for its large, oblong dark blue fruit, popular for commercial canning, late bearing into early October, yellow flesh, requires cross-pollination.
4-6' Bare Root, popular sweet cherry bears golden yellow fruit blushed red. Fruit is firm, flesh is sweet and juicy, tree is vigorous and productive. Needs cross-pollination
Red Delicious 4-6' bareroot apple tree. Firm and juicy, not a bold taste. Dark red color, even shape. Sold individually. Excellent pollinator
Attractive heavy-bearing bushes that yield dark red berries, perfect for jellies, preserves, tarts, and muffins. Do not plant within 900 feet of White Pines. Cold hardy and self-pollinating.
Red Maple, 2-0, 18-24", height: 40-60 ft. Rapid growth rate that can adapt to a wide range of soil conditions. Fall colors vary from yellow to scarlet.
Red Oak, 2-0, 12-24" Sold in bundles of 10,25 or 50 One of the fastest growing of our native hardwoods. Prefers well drained clay to loamy sand, moderately shade tolerant, excellent for wildlife.
24-36" 2-0 bareroot, a great shrub for moist-wet soils, known for its bright red stem that pops against the snow during winter, reaches heights of 6-10', dark green leaves that flower during spring.
3-0, 18-24" bare root. Reaches 66 - 115 feet tall. It's self pruning and does not have dead branches on the trunk. Prefers full sun and sandy, well drained soil.
Red Pine 10-15" 3-0, Reaches 66 - 115 feet tall. Self pruning, prefers well drained sandy soil. Moderate-fast growth, needs full sun.
Excellent sweet yet tart flavor with bright red color. Winter hardy and disease resistant.
4-6' bareroot, standard peach to which all others are compared. The flesh is firm and yellow with a smooth texture. Vigorous and bears early. Freestone, self-fruitful.