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Tuscola Conservation District
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  • Persimmon - 18-24", Small fruit bearing tree (30-50 ft). In summer, this species produces fragrant flowers. Fruit: pale orange color, often red-cheeked; turning yellowish brown after freeze.

    18-24", Small fruit bearing tree (30-50 ft). In summer, this species produces fragrant flowers. Fruit: pale orange color, often red-cheeked; turning yellowish brown after freeze.

  • PF-24C Flamin' Fury Peach - 4-6' bareroot, coldhardy variety that survives when others succumb to frost and cold temperatures. Ripens 24 days after Redhaven, bears large, sweet fruit. Self-fruitful, freestone.

    4-6' bareroot, coldhardy variety that survives when others succumb to frost and cold temperatures. Ripens 24 days after Redhaven, bears large, sweet fruit. Self-fruitful, freestone.

  • Plantskydd 2.2# Concentrate - 2.2# Plantskydd Concentrate - For year round control of deer, rabbits, hares, voles, squirrels, and chipmunks. Mixes with 10 quarts (spray bottles), treats 800-900 seedlings.

    2.2# Plantskydd Concentrate - For year round control of deer, rabbits, hares, voles, squirrels, and chipmunks. Mixes with 10 quarts (spray bottles), treats 800-900 seedlings.

  • Plantskydd 3.5# Granular Shaker - Repels rabbits, voles, hares, chipmunks, squirrels, and other small herbivores. Can prevent deer damage on plants under 2' and as a perimeter treatment.

    Repels rabbits, voles, hares, chipmunks, squirrels, and other small herbivores. Can prevent deer damage on plants under 2' and as a perimeter treatment.

  • President Plum - 4-6' bareroot, known for its large, oblong dark blue fruit, popular for commercial canning, late bearing into early October, yellow flesh, requires cross-pollination.

    4-6' bareroot, known for its large, oblong dark blue fruit, popular for commercial canning, late bearing into early October, yellow flesh, requires cross-pollination.

  • Ranier Sweet Cherry - 4-6' Bare Root, popular sweet cherry bears golden yellow fruit blushed red. Fruit is firm, flesh is sweet and juicy, tree is vigorous and productive. Needs cross-pollination

    4-6' Bare Root, popular sweet cherry bears golden yellow fruit blushed red. Fruit is firm, flesh is sweet and juicy, tree is vigorous and productive. Needs cross-pollination

  • Red Delicious Apple Tree - Red Delicious 4-6' bareroot apple tree. Firm and juicy, not a bold taste. Dark red color, even shape. Sold individually. Excellent pollinator

    Red Delicious 4-6' bareroot apple tree. Firm and juicy, not a bold taste. Dark red color, even shape. Sold individually. Excellent pollinator

  • Red Lake Currant - Attractive heavy-bearing bushes that yield dark red berries, perfect for jellies, preserves, tarts, and muffins. Do not plant within 900 feet of White Pines. Cold hardy and self-pollinating.

    Attractive heavy-bearing bushes that yield dark red berries, perfect for jellies, preserves, tarts, and muffins. Do not plant within 900 feet of White Pines. Cold hardy and self-pollinating.

  • Red Maple - Red Maple, 2-0, 18-24", height: 40-60 ft. Rapid growth rate that can adapt to a wide range of soil conditions. Fall colors vary from yellow to scarlet.

    Red Maple, 2-0, 18-24", height: 40-60 ft. Rapid growth rate that can adapt to a wide range of soil conditions. Fall colors vary from yellow to scarlet.

  • Red Oak - Red Oak, 2-0, 12-24" Sold in bundles of 10,25 or 50 One of the fastest growing of our native hardwoods. Prefers well drained clay to loamy sand, moderately shade tolerant, excellent for wildlife.

    Red Oak, 2-0, 12-24" Sold in bundles of 10,25 or 50 One of the fastest growing of our native hardwoods. Prefers well drained clay to loamy sand, moderately shade tolerant, excellent for wildlife.

  • Red Osier Dogwood - 24-36" 2-0 bareroot, a great shrub for moist-wet soils, known for its bright red stem that pops against the snow during winter, reaches heights of 6-10', dark green leaves that flower during spring.

    24-36" 2-0 bareroot, a great shrub for moist-wet soils, known for its bright red stem that pops against the snow during winter, reaches heights of 6-10', dark green leaves that flower during spring.

  • Red Pine Husky - 3-0, 18-24" bare root. Reaches 66 - 115 feet tall. It's self pruning and does not have dead branches on the trunk. Prefers full sun and sandy, well drained soil.

    3-0, 18-24" bare root. Reaches 66 - 115 feet tall. It's self pruning and does not have dead branches on the trunk. Prefers full sun and sandy, well drained soil.

  • Red Pine Seedlings - Red Pine 10-15" 3-0, Reaches 66 - 115 feet tall. Self pruning, prefers well drained sandy soil. Moderate-fast growth, needs full sun.

    Red Pine 10-15" 3-0, Reaches 66 - 115 feet tall. Self pruning, prefers well drained sandy soil. Moderate-fast growth, needs full sun.

  • Red Rhubarb - Excellent sweet yet tart flavor with bright red color. Winter hardy and disease resistant.

    Excellent sweet yet tart flavor with bright red color. Winter hardy and disease resistant.

  • Redhaven Peach Tree - 4-6' bareroot, standard peach to which all others are compared. The flesh is firm and yellow with a smooth texture. Vigorous and bears early. Freestone, self-fruitful.

    4-6' bareroot, standard peach to which all others are compared. The flesh is firm and yellow with a smooth texture. Vigorous and bears early. Freestone, self-fruitful.